How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Snapchat

Written By Alex Blackburne

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When someone blocks you on Snapchat, you’ll surely get mixed emotions. One minute you’re chatting happily, and after a few minutes, you are now unable to view their profile. However, on Snapchat, being blocked and deleted often confuse users. So you need to find out which is which.

You may tell if someone blocked you on Snapchat if you won’t be able to view their profiles or send them messages. These signs are the most common ones and the first thing we would do if we get blocked.

Aside from that, there are other ways or indicators that someone on Snapchat has blocked you. Continue reading this guide to know more.

Methods for Determining that Someone on Snapchat has Blocked You

To find out if a connection has blocked you on Snapchat, you should primarily do the following:

1. Verify that your list of Snapchat friends is up to date.

If you want to know if somebody has blocked you on Snapchat, the quickest option is to look at your contacts list. The possibility of being blocked increases if the person is present in one moment and gone the next. You should also double-check if you were accidentally removed as a contact.

If you can find them in the Snapchat network and re-add them, it’s possible that they simply unfollowed you instead of blocking you. If you consider them pals, you should dig deep. If that doesn’t work, you may move on from the folks who don’t want you or give them another chance by re-adding them.

2. Check their Story.

If you know the person you think blocked you is a regular uploader on Snapchat, check your Stories page to see if they have any content you can view. They’ve likely blocked you if you expect to receive communication from them but don’t. This evidence is far from conclusive, but it suggests something strange in your relationship.

3. Search for them through their usernames.

Find out if they blocked you by quickly searching their name. Use the search bar in Stories. Enter their user name here. Their name will appear in the search bar if you aren’t prohibited from seeing it. If the person’s name doesn’t show up, it’s because they’ve deleted Snapchat or blocked you.

If you find their name, click the plus button to add them. Another sign that you have been blocked is if you see the message “Sorry, couldn’t find that username.”

4. Drop them a message.

If you have a history of conversations with that individual in your chat app, you can send them another message. “Failure to send a message, Tap to try again” indicates that you have been blocked.

When someone removes you out from their contact list, you will see the word “Pending” and a gray icon instead of the typical blue or pink one.

5. Switch to other Snapchat accounts.

If you want to check if anyone has blocked you on Snapchat, use a separate account. To access the profile, borrow a friend’s account information.

If you have multiple Snapchat accounts, you can switch between them and look for them. Unfortunately, they have probably blocked your primary account if they are using that one.

It might not work if they find out about your secret Snapchat account. Avoid being blocked by signing up for a new account. They probably deleted Snapchat if you can’t find them on any account, including the one you created.

This method will reveal whether or not you have been blocked, but it will not allow you to remove the block. The easiest way to contact someone who has blocked you might not be to create a second account or send them a message.

Key Takeaways

There are several ways to tell if someone on Snapchat has blocked you. If the person is close to you, you might wonder why they’ve blocked you or the reason behind their action. You should always reach out to them first before making any assumptions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you tell if you have been blocked on Snapchat?

If you want to verify this, open Snapchat and head to the app’s top left, where you’ll see the icon of the search (magnifying glass). The next step is to check if their name appears when you enter their username or complete name. If it doesn’t, it’s possible they’ve deleted or blocked your account. 

2. What does it look like on Snapchat when you are blocked?

Disconnection occurs when a person is blocked but not when they are removed. Unless the story’s visibility setting is set to Everyone, you won’t be able to view it if you’ve been temporarily banned from Snapchat. However, nothing will show up if you’ve been blacklisted, no matter what settings you choose.