Why Do My LinkedIn Messages Fail To Send?

Written By Alex Blackburne

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LinkedIn is the premium networking site that unites businesses and professionals globally. Building and maintaining a professional brand and image is very important for your career. One message could be the difference that gets you the job of your dream, or the client that you would never expect you could attain. Messaging on Linkedin is the primary way of connecting with new people, but what if you’re having trouble sending messages on Linkedin? Lets find out what could be to blame and how to resolve it.

Why Can’t I Message Anyone On LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a network based platform that tries its best to limit who reaches out to you to ensure it remains a high-value service. Too much spam and low value conversations would hurt the experience of the users. Therefore, you can only send messages to your 1st person connections (meaning that you are connected with them) and other members of groups you are a part of. 

If you aren’t connected with the person, you may have to invest in Linkedin InMail. This is a paid service that allows you to send targeted messaging to individuals outside of your connections.

 However, LinkedIn won’t allow you to send messages to anybody if your browser has a lot of cache and cookies, your email address is incorrect, your browser is obsolete, etc. This issue might also be the result of any malicious extensions.

You could experience message-sending issues due to any of the preceding causes. But don’t worry; we have the solutions you need.

How to Resolve LinkedIn Chat Messaging Issues?

There are a range of issues that could cause issues with sending messages. For example, if your browser has too much cache and cookies, your email address is incorrect, your browser is obsolete, etc. This issue might also be the result of faulty extensions.

We have some simple fixes for the LinkedIn Message issue that should only take a few minutes to complete. Let’s look at how you can solve your specific problem.

Verify Your Current Email Address

If you have a brand-new LinkedIn account, you can authenticate the email address before using any platform services.

To verify your email, open your mailbox and click the link in it that LinkedIn sent you.

Clear The Browser Cache And Cookies

Your cache and cookies can cause LinkedIn’s messaging services to stop working and restrict your messages.

Once you delete the cookies and cache from the web browser, the error should get resolved.

Go to the “History” tab in the browser’s settings, choose the time period and the sort of data you wish to remove, and then click the “Clear Data” option.

Exit the LinkedIn app or window, log out of your LinkedIn profile and then log back in. See whether you can send messages this time.

Update Your Browser Or Use Another

With outdated browser editions, some services might not function. If a better browser version is available, try updating it and see if the problem still exists. If this issue only affects your browser, try switching to another one.

Just make sure your system is compatible. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and the Android browser are all presently supported by LinkedIn.

Note: Use the stable version of your preferred browser instead of the beta version, which can still have some early flaws that need rectification. Only use the most recent, reliable browser.

Deactivate Unnecessary Browser Extensions

Try turning off any browser extensions you may be using, particularly adblockers and pop-up blockers, to see if it resolves the issue.

Extensions and add-ons frequently disrupt specific website functionalities. If this is the cause of the issue, turning off the extensions should make it go away.

Check Your Internet Connection

If your connection is relatively sluggish, there could be trouble while messaging LinkedIn members. But fortunately, you may check the network speed whenever you want with the help of a well-known network tester.

Here’s how to use your browser to check the network speed:

  • Launch your browser.
  • Enter any of the well-known network speed testing websites into the search box.
  • Depending on the webpage, select test, go, or start.
  • Check the findings to see if the network is operating ideally.

If the internet speeds are unsatisfactory, try contacting the ISP or conducting your own diagnostics. 

Disable Any Active VPN

Some third-party tools are applicable to prevent internet activity tracking, such as VPNs. It functions essentially by modifying a network’s IP address. You could experience issues connecting to any website since a VPN repeatedly changes the IP address.

Therefore, turning off the VPN might fix the problem of LinkedIn messages not sending.

Reach Out To The LinkedIn Support Center

If nothing else works, contact the LinkedIn Support Center to consult with a representative there. They have a top-notch support staff. Provide them with the details they request. Your device, web browser, and LinkedIn account information are among the details included in that report.

Related Questions 

Why Do My Messages Fail To Send?

Your LinkedIn messages might not get sent for a number of reasons. For instance, you may have exceeded your daily sending cap. LinkedIn limits the number of messages you may send to safeguard its users against spam. So if your daily limit is already complete, you will have to wait until the next day to send any further messages.

Other than that, the mailbox of your receiver can also be overfilling.

Why Can’t I Access My Messages On LinkedIn?

There could be many different reasons. The account could have been deleted or suspended, for example. You may have used up your monthly message allotment, which is another possibility. If you believe one of these to be relatable, kindly seek help from LinkedIn Support.

How Do I Send A Message On LinkedIn?

Find the individual you want to contact on LinkedIn before you send them a message. Then click the “message” icon in the upper right corner of their page. You can type your message in a new window that will open. Once finished, press “send.”

Does Deleting A Conversation On LinkedIn Remove It For Both Parties?

Yes, if you delete a previously sent message, it becomes inaccessible for both sides.

How Do I Contact LinkedIn Support?

You may contact customer service by visiting LinkedIn’s website and selecting the “Contact Us” option. 

Can You Only Send A Limited Number Of Messages Per Day On LinkedIn?

You may send an unlimited amount of messages on LinkedIn. However, LinkedIn will set a daily message cap if you are in touch with someone outside your network.

Key Takeaway

As you can see, errors in sending messages on LinkedIn is quite prevalent among its users. However, there are many simple solutions you can try. But if none of those work, you should reach out to the platform’s customer service for a high level of assistance.

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