What Is The Difference Between LinkedIn InMail Vs. Messages?

Written By Alex Blackburne

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One of the best parts of LinkedIn is building relationships with people through private conversations. LinkedIn has two options for this: standard direct message and InMail message. But what’s the difference between LinkedIn InMail Vs. Message? And which should you be using? Let’s compare and contrast the two to get the answer.

What’s the difference between LinkedIn InMail vs. Messages?

Linkedin messages allow you to send direct messages to people you are connected on the platform, whereas InMail allows you to message someone you are not connected with – 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-degree connections. But InMail is a paid feature for which you need to upgrade to a paid account to access it, and LinkedIn gives you a specific number of credits based on your subscription plan. 

Which is better, LinkedIn InMail or LinkedIn messages?

It is difficult to choose which is better since each serves its purposes. If you want to connect with a stranger, you can use LinkedIn InMail. With InMail, you get access to messages as many professionals you wouldn’t otherwise.

Can you send InMail to anyone on LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn has around 830 million users across 200 countries and territories worldwide, and once you pay the subscription fee, you can send InMails to any LinkedIn member.

Is InMail effective?

Yes, InMail is more effective than cold emails and cold calls. A personalized message to LinkedIn users with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-degree connections is undoubtedly more impactful. But if you want to reach out to dozens and hundreds of LinkedIn leads, InMail won’t be enough.

How much does LinkedIn InMail cost?

To get InMail credits, you need a LinkedIn premium account which costs $29.99/month or a Sales Navigator account which costs $79.99 per month. If you want to close more sales on LinkedIn, we recommend using Sales Navigator since it provides you with advanced search functions and additional InMail credits. Sales Navigator receives 50 InMail credits, and you save on leads with the advanced search option.

How to send an InMail on LinkedIn?

Sending InMail messages is the same as regular messages on LinkedIn, just sent to people you are not connected with. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1 – Open the LinkedIn website or mobile app and log in to your premium account.

Step 2 – Find someone you are not connected to, you can find this by the number next to their name – if it shows 2nd or 3rd connections, it means you are not connected.

Step 3 – Open their profile and tap the message option.

Step 4 – Type in your message and click on send.

When the recipient receives your message, it will show InMail in the subject line.

LinkedIn InMail best practices:

Write short and crisp messages

According to LinkedIn, shorter InMail has a higher reply rate than longer InMails. This is because it takes less effort for your prospect to read and answer your messages. Nobody likes to read long messages, and it’s too much effort for a stranger. Similarly, keep the subject line smaller to one or two words.

Personalize your InMail messages

According to LinkedIn data, InMails sent individually perform 15% better than InMails sent in bulk. The same goes for template InMail messages vs. individual messages.

Don’t send InMail messages on Friday and Saturday

LinkedIn data shows that InMails sent on Friday and Saturday have a lower response rate. Therefore, make sure to send it earlier in the week. 

What is InMail credit on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn InMail credits are a great way to get your message in front of more people on the platform. It helps you to reach out to potential customers, partners, or employees. They can be used to connect with anyone, be it your former colleagues or classmates, or to introduce yourself to people you met at events.

How to get InMail credits on LinkedIn?

To get InMail credits, you need to have a premium account. Each LinkedIn premium plan offers a different number of InMail credits:

  • Career – 5
  • Business – 15
  • Sales Navigator – 50
  • Recruiter – 150

LinkedIn recently changed its policy regarding the refund of InMail credits. Here is what their documentation is about their policy change:

“Every InMail message that is accepted/declined or responded to directly within 90 days of being sent is credited back. A pending InMail message isn’t counted as either accepted or declined. “

The more replies you get, the more you receive InMail credits. So, make sure to send proper messages to your prospects.

How do you send unlimited InMails on LinkedIn?

To send unlimited InMails, you need to find people with Open Profiles. These LinkedIn profiles allow being contacted by anyone on LinkedIn without being connected. To identify them, you can use Sales Navigator and export the leads who have open profiles.

How to use LinkedIn InMails for Lead Generation?

You only get 50 InMail credits in your Sales Navigator account, so you must use them cautiously.

For cold outreach, you can send below in the same order of priority, with InMail messages being the last as they are limited per month:

  • 200 emails per day
  • 100 LinkedIn connection requests per week
  • 50 InMails per month

Does LinkedIn InMails go to email?

If a candidate is not logged into their LinkedIn account, InMails are forwarded to their inbox. But only the excerpt of the message is sent by email, not the entire message. Those who have opted out of LinkedIn communication on their email will not get the excerpts of your InMail.

Key Takeaways

LinkedIn InMail and messages serve their purpose and can be used simultaneously to be more efficient with your outreach. LinkedIn InMail can be expensive, so use them strategically. We have covered how to send effective messages to get your credits back and find Open Profiles using the Sales Navigator export function, which will help you save on some InMail messages. LinkedIn InMails are far more effective because they are personalized to each individual and are more likely to be opened, increasing the success rate.

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