What Happens To Your LinkedIn Messages When You Block Someone?

Written By Alex Blackburne

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Professionals primarily use LinkedIn for networking, but spammers on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has a feature to block or report spammers on their platform. This article will learn what happens to your LinkedIn messages when you block someone.

What happens to your LinkedIn messages when you block someone?

You won’t be able to message each other, and any old messages will be hidden (but not removed.) When you block someone on LinkedIn, the most significant difference is in the messages between the two accounts. You no longer can see the blocked person’s name, but the blocked member’s message shows the name of the person who blocked them. 

For example, the blocked account can see the photo, job title, and current company of the person who blocked them. Any messages you send to an existing conversation thread won’t be delivered to the user. However, if the blocked person clicks on the profile, they won’t see any details; instead, they will see a message that the person is unavailable. 

Can you block someone on LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn allows blocking people who keep sending you messages and invites. LinkedIn is a popular platform that lets you connect with professional contacts and expand your network. But you will come across a lot of people who add no value and spam you with annoying, promotional messages & posts. Hence LinkedIn has a great block feature for people who you don’t want to connect with. It lets you block up to 1000 people.  

Ten reasons to block someone on LinkedIn

  1. They spam your LinkedIn inbox with marketing pitches
  2. They use rude or inappropriate languages
  3. They reach out to your contacts without your knowledge or permission and represent you as their close friend
  4. They add you to their newsletter subscriber list and spam you
  5. Their LinkedIn profile is fake. You can find them by right-clicking on their photo and searching on Google
  6. They try to sign you up as an affiliate marketer even though you are not interested in
  7. They ask you to invest in their project
  8. They want to endorse them as an expert in some topic even though you may not know about their knowledge of work
  9. They try to convince you to join network marketing even though you are not interested in
  10. They use LinkedIn as a dating site

What happens when you block someone on LinkedIn?

  • If you are connected, your connection is removed
  • Likes on your posts from that person are removed
  • You won’t be able to access each other’s profiles
  • Private messages from that person are hidden
  • You won’t be able to message each other
  • You won’t be able to see each other’s shared content
  • You won’t be able to see others ‘who’s viewed your profile’
  • Any endorsements and recommendations are removed
  • LinkedIn will stop suggesting each other on ‘People you may know’ and ‘People also viewed’
  • If you tagged their name in a post, the name remains, but the profile link is removed
  • They won’t get notified that you blocked them

How to block someone who contacts you through your LinkedIn message?

Step 1 – Click on the message in your LinkedIn inbox

Step 2 – Click on the three horizontal dots at the right of the sender’s name

Step 3 – Click on Report/Block and mention the reason for reporting the message

Step 4 – Click on submit

Does blocking someone on LinkedIn delete the message?

No, the messages aren’t deleted. When you block someone on LinkedIn, the entire conversation is hidden. All your messages are moved to the archive folder and can be found on the right side of the search box option by clicking on the three horizontal lines and clicking on ‘Archived’.

What happens when you unblock someone on LinkedIn?

If you change your mind and decide to unblock someone, things don’t necessarily return to how they were. Unblocking will not restore likes and messages that were removed. Messages sent to you will never get delivered to you, and they won’t follow you back automatically. If you want to connect with them again, you need to send them a new invitation to connect.

How to restrict someone on LinkedIn?

If you want to restrict someone from accessing your profile or sending you spammy messages, you can block them on LinkedIn by following the below steps:

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile page
  • Search for the person’s profile on the LinkedIn search box
  • Click on the three dots at the top of their profile
  • Click on the Report/Block button in the drop-down menu
  • Choose the first option, ‘Block name’, and finally, click on the ‘Block’ button to block the person

Key Takeaways

Since LinkedIn is a professional platform, you need to be careful about who you follow and add to your connection. You must ensure your LinkedIn profile is well optimized to attract the right professionals. If you encounter any spammers, LinkedIn allows you to block users but make sure if you want to do so, since you won’t be able to access each other’s profiles and messages on the platform unless unblocked. 

If you still have made the decision, you can block anyone. People will not get notified that you have blocked them unless you have shared a LinkedIn recruiter account with the person, so don’t worry about any hate feelings when you are blocking someone.

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