How to Write a Good LinkedIn InMail?

Written By Alex Blackburne

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LinkedIn InMail is one of the best platforms to connect with other experts and increase your sales. If you have a premium account, you can directly message another LinkedIn member to that you are not connected to. However, if you have a Basic or free account, you can only contact a LinkedIn member to whom you are connected.

Statistically speaking, LinkedIn InMail has a three times higher response rate than a regular email; therefore, using it can significantly increase your sales. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to manage their LinkedIn InMail properly, causing the messages they send to be boring and spammy. 

Here are some ways that would help you avoid writing vague and boring LinkedIn InMail messages and enable you to increase your responses from readers.

Best Ways to Write Eye-Catching LinkedIn InMail

Different ways and practices can allow you to spark interest and enthusiasm in your LinkedIn InMail readers and increase your chances of getting a response from them.

Choose Prospects Intelligently

Before writing an InMail, you must remember that you only get a limited number of LinkedIn InMails, so you should only reach out to the prospects you consider suitable. You can categorize your prospects by ICPs or industries. Depending on these factors, your open rates might differ since some industries have higher InMail open rates than others.

Have A Developed Profile

After the prospects have read your InMail, they would most often visit your LinkedIn profile. Having a well-developed and optimized profile would build trust and credibility about yourself in front of the prospects, which would be beneficial for you and your company.

Create Attention-grabbing Subject Lines

The prospects might not always be interested in reading your InMail if they find it boring. Therefore, you must use strong, compelling, and eye-catching words in your subject lines to grab the readers’ attention. Here are some tips to help you create compelling subject lines:

  • Subject lines that specify fast action receive about a 93% open rate.
  • Include a personal touch or a business matter in the subject line to instantly grasp your prospects’ attention.
  • Show the prospects that you have done research about them by adding any similar skills and hobbies you may have in the subject line itself.
  • Directly address your prospects by mentioning their first name to create a familiar bond between the two of you.

Write Personalized InMails 

Make sure to write personalized InMails since they perform 15% better than the generic ones. Try to research your prospect’s profile and find similarities, connections, work experiences, etc. between the two of you to add to your InMail to make it more personalized and unique which would be appreciated by the prospect as well. 

Build A Relationship

Try to build a bond and a relationship with your prospect first by starting a conversation with them instead of just getting straight to the point, talking about your product. This would help you create a good relationship with them, making your future meetings fruitful and your deals beneficial for you in a long run. 

Be Summarized and To-the-point

The best practice while writing an InMail is to be concise since shorter InMails get better response rates. Limit your personalized messages to approximately 400 characters or less. This is because more than 50% of InMails are read on mobile phones and people often avoid reading longer messages on them.

Include Call To Action

While using InMail, you should focus on starting a conversation first rather than closing the deal. You must use this platform to create interest for your prospect and include a specific call to action. 

For example, you can add the following while writing your InMail: “Are you free for a 15-minute call on Tuesday at 10 AM?”

All these tips and practices would allow you to write the best LinkedIn InMails to grab maximum readers’ attention. 

Best InMail Subject Lines

Subject lines are essential while writing InMails since they help you attract the prospects’ attention to the maximum and ensure that your InMail is being read by them. Here are a few examples to write the best InMail subject lines.

Best InMail Subject Lines To Recruiters

You can use the Company’s name in the subject line itself to get a lot of attention. For example: “Company name: Your future job is here!” 

Best InMail Subject Lines For Sales

The best way to increase sales is by inducing curiosity in the readers’ minds. For example: “They told us it was impossible…”. This creates curiosity in the readers’ minds since they want to know who are “they” and Who is “us”? This way, the reader is bound to read your InMail.

Best InMail Subject Lines For Job Seekers

HRs are often bombarded with numerous emails for job inquiries and do not have the time to open every single InMail. Therefore, it is best to add your experience and crucial skills to the subject line itself. For example: “People and Culture Manager with 15 years experience.”

Things You Must Avoid While Writing LinkedIn InMails

Here are a few things to avoid while writing a LinkedIn InMail:

Don’t Be Self-centered

You must avoid making it all about you in the InMail. Instead, you should focus on the prospects and tell them how you would be beneficial to them.

Overwhelming Prospects

Do not overwhelm and burden your prospects by asking too many questions or writing too-long messages since they are more likely to leave you without a response.

Avoid Weekends For Sending InMails

If you want the best response rates, make sure to send your InMails from Monday to Thursday, avoiding the weekends.

Related Questions

What Is A Good InMail Subject Line?

The best InMail subject line grab’s people’s attention by including a business topic that is relevant to the recipient and also uses a personal touch.

What Is The Average InMail Response Rate?

The average InMail response rate is about 10-25%.

How Many LinkedIn Messages Can You Send Per Day?

There is no fixed limit on how many messages you can send per day. However, LinkedIn has a few red flags. For example, if 100 messages are sent to 100 different people from your account, LinkedIn will detect this as suspicious activity and flag your account. 

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