How to Share a Post on LinkedIn

Written By Alex Blackburne

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LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that enables its users to connect with other professionals and companies. It is a great platform for networking, job searching, and career building. On LinkedIn, you can share posts that you have written yourself or articles that you have found online. When you share a post on LinkedIn, your network will see it in their newsfeed.

But how can you do it, and which posts should you be sharing? Let’s find out!

How to Share a Specific Post on LinkedIn

If you come across an interesting article or post that you think would be valuable for your connections, you can easily share it on LinkedIn. Here’s how:

  • Go to the post or video you want to share. Make sure that the content you want to share is relevant to your target audience.
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  • Under the post or video, click the share button. Here you will have the “Repost” and “Share with your Thoughts” options. Clicking “Repost” will create a new post on your profile that includes a link back to the original post. If you want to add your thoughts about the post, you can do so in the ” Share with your Thoughts ” box before you share it. Select the one that best matches your interest.

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  • And that’s it! You’ve successfully shared content on LinkedIn.

Sharing a post on LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals and build your network. When you share a post, your connections will see it in their newsfeed and can engage with it if they find it interesting.

What Posts Should You Share on the LinkedIn Network?

Sharing content is one of the most important things to do on Linkedin. You should mostly share your professional achievements & news, but that doesn’t mean you can’t share any personal content.

Here are some ideas for the types of content you should share on LinkedIn:

Industry news

Keep your network up to date on the latest industry news by sharing articles, blog posts, or even your insights on recent developments. Sharing industry news regularly not only keeps your network informed, but also demonstrates your expertise and commitment to your career. Furthermore, by sharing news on LinkedIn, you can connect with other professionals in the industry and build your network.

Tips and advice

If you’re an expert in your field, why not share your knowledge with your network? Tips and advice posts are a great way to show off your expertise and help others at the same time. Plus, they’re a great way to build your personal brand and grow your online presence.

Case studies

Case studies are a great way to do it if you have a success story to share. LinkedIn users love reading about real-world examples of how businesses have used products or services to achieve their goals.

How-to posts

Another great way to share your expertise is to write how-to posts. These posts show your network how to do something related to your industry, and they can be really helpful for people who are just getting started in their careers.

Company news

Keep your network up to date on what’s going on at your company by sharing news, announcements, or even job openings. You can also share company news in LinkedIn groups, which can help to generate buzz and discussion around your news.

Personal updates

While the focus of LinkedIn is on professional content, it’s also ok to share personal updates from time to time. Just remember to keep it relevant to your network (for example, you wouldn’t want to share a family vacation photo if you’re trying to build your professional brand).

When you’re sharing content on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep in mind the different types of posts that perform well on the platform. In general, posts that are helpful, informative, or inspiring tend to do well.

Related Questions

Where is the share button on LinkedIn?

The share button on LinkedIn is located at the bottom of the post on the right-hand side. When you click on the share button, a dropdown will open that will allow you to share the post with your LinkedIn connections.

What should I say when I share a post on LinkedIn?

When you share a post on LinkedIn, you should include a brief comment to explain why you are sharing it or what do you feel about it. Mentioning it will give your connections a context for the post, and it will also help to engage them in the discussion. If you simply share a post without any commentary, it may come across as spammy or unprofessional. So take a few seconds to write a quick comment before you hit the share button!

Key Takeaway

By following the tips above, you can successfully share a post on LinkedIn and reach a wider audience. After all, sharing a post on LinkedIn is a great way to increase your visibility and connect with other professionals. 

Last but not the least, LinkedIn also allows you to share articles directly from your blog or website. If you have something valuable to share, don’t be afraid to post it on LinkedIn!

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