How To Send InMail On LinkedIn For Free?

Written By Alex Blackburne

Latest in Tech News, Reviews & Education

InMails helps to interact with 2nd and 3rd-degree connections without sending them a connection request. Unfortunately, you get limited number of InMails based on your subscription plan. This article will teach you how to send InMails on LinkedIn for free. There are a number of ways for you to be able to send more without spending more..

How to send InMail on LinkedIn for free?

 There are three ways to send InMails for free on LinkedIn, they are:

  • Open Profile messaging – This feature allows sending a message to anyone who has enabled their account setting as ‘Open Profile.’ 
  • LinkedIn Group members messaging – You can send messages to people who are part of the same LinkedIn Group without using your InMail credits.
  • LinkedIn Event Attendees messaging – You can send messages to people who attended the same event you did, even if they are not connected with you on LinkedIn. 

How to send InMail messages on LinkedIn for free to Open Profiles?

InMails sent to Open Profile are free, and you don’t need any credits when you contact these people. Here’s a step-by-step process to send open profile messages:

Step 1 – Go to the profile of the premium member you want to message

Step 2 –Check that they

Step 2 – Click the ‘message’ button in their profile introduction

Step 3 – Type your message and click ‘send’

How to find people who have Open Profiles?

Step 1 – Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to export leads into an excel file.

Step 2 – To export a file, you will need an ‘Evaboot Chrome Extension’ (or any other relevant chrome extension you prefer).

Step 3 – Create an account on Evaboot and click on the ‘Open Sales Navigator’ button. This button will open the sales navigator so you can export the LinkedIn sales navigator list.

Step 4 – Open the CSV file and filter for ‘Open Profiles.’ Once you find it, you can navigate their LinkedIn profile and send them a message.

How to send InMail messages for free on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Groups?

Messages sent to LinkedIn Group members are not InMails, but they allow you to message 2nd and 3rd-degree connections. To use this option, you need to send a request and get accepted by the group admins. Once accepted, you will see you can message any member without sending a connection request. Here’s how to send an InMail using LinkedIn Group:

Step 1 – Visit the Group that you and the other person are part of

Step 2 – Click the hyperlinked ‘members’ list on the group’s homepage

Step 3 – Search for the desired person you want to message

Step 4 – Click on ‘message’ beside the name of the person

Step 5 – Compose your message and click on send 

It is important to note that your message will land in the message request with the Group’s name mentioned in it.

How to send InMails messages for free on LinkedIn using LinkedIn events?

  • Go to your LinkedIn homepage
  • Click on the ‘Events’ tab on the left sidebar
  • Select the event you both were part of
  • Click on the ‘Networking’ tab on the event’s page 
  • Click on the ‘message’ button beside the name of the person you want to send a message

Sending messages to out-of-network connections

If you don’t want to follow any of the above methods, you can send a connection request to the person you want to message. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1 – Visit the person’s LinkedIn profile

Step 2 – Click on the blue button ‘Connect’ on their profile’s page

Step 3 – Once connected, you can click on either the message icon on the top right corner of your LinkedIn account or click on the message conversation window in the bottom right corner of your LinkedIn account

Step 4 – Find the name of the person on the message search bar

Step 5 – Compose your message and click on ‘send’

How many InMails can I send on LinkedIn?

  • LinkedIn Career account gives you 5 InMails per month
  • LinkedIn Premium Business account gives you 15 InMails per month
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator Core account gives you 15 InMails per month
  • LinkedIn Recruiter Lite account gives you 30 InMails per month

It is worth noting that you can carry over InMails for up to three months.

How much does LinkedIn InMail cost?

To get InMail credits, you need either a LinkedIn premium account which costs $29.99/month or a Sales Navigator account which costs $79.99/month or $779.88 per year. You can also purchase additional InMail credits above your monthly usage by paying an extra $10 monthly.

How to get InMails credited back?

You can receive your InMail credits back once your message recipients respond to your message within 90 days of you sending it.

Do InMail credits expire?

Yes, InMail credits expire after 90 days and will not be available to use after that. However, you can accumulate them for up to 90 days.

When do InMail credits get renewed?

You will receive your new set of InMail credits monthly on the first day of your billing cycle.

Is LinkedIn InMail automated?

Yes, you have the option to automate your LinkedIn activities. There are several chrome extensions and cloud-based applications that automate the activity on LinkedIn. They can send a connection request message to first-degree connections, automate InMails to second & third-degree connections, and personalize your message based on your target audience’s profile, to name a few.

Key Takeaways

It is not the end of the world if you don’t buy premium members to take advantage of its InMail message features. We have shared three techniques to identify members with whom you can send messages for free even if you are not connected with them on LinkedIn. Since LinkedIn premium and Sales Navigator have limitations on the number of InMail credits you can use every month, you can use the mentioned techniques to save on spending additional money on buying InMail credits.

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