How To Request A Recommendation On LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Blackburne

Latest in Tech News, Reviews & Education

Linkedin recommendations are an important part of your profile that shouldn’t be ignored, especially from the right people. LinkedIn recommendations can go a long way to help you connect with other members, put your brand in front of future clients and generate leads for your business. Often, people don’t know the importance of recommendations or don’t know how to ask for recommendations on LinkedIn. There are proper ways to request and format a LinkedIn recommendation. In this article, you will learn how to request a recommendation on LinkedIn.

How to request a recommendation on LinkedIn?

Step 1 – Login to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Click on the ‘Me’ icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage 

Step 3 – Scroll down to the Recommendation section, click on ‘+’ on the top right in this section to ‘Ask for a recommendation

Step 4 – Type the name of the person you would like to ask for a recommendation under ‘who do you want to ask’

Step 5 – LinkedIn will prompt you to enter your relationship and your position at the time you worked with them

Step 6 – Personalize your message and send them your recommendation request

What does a recommendation on LinkedIn mean?

A recommendation is a personalized written description or testimonial of your work from people who have worked with you. Do not confuse it with LinkedIn endorsement, which is one click away for your connections to endorse the skills listed on your profile. Recommendations are like the references you are asked when you are shortlisted for a job, explaining why you are the right person to work with and highlighting your key strengths.

You can request recommendations from your first-degree connections. If a connection writes you a recommendation, you will get notified via a message from the sender on LinkedIn. You can accept, dismiss, or ask for a revision of the recommendation.

Why are LinkedIn recommendations important?

LinkedIn recommendations provide validation from a third party that you can work to a high standard. When utilized properly, these recommendations are useful tools for increasing your credibility. If you want future clients to gain insight into your personality, LinkedIn recommendations can help them know what you are likely to work with. Good recommendations can persuade someone to get in touch with you rather than someone else offering the same service as you do.

A step-by-step process for requesting a recommendation on LinkedIn

Step 1 – Write down which of your connections have worked closely with you, as people who have worked closely can give you a meaningful assessment of your work. These people could be your previous colleagues, manager, etc.,

Step 2 – Determine which people will respond positively to your request. This is because when you request a recommendation, you ask them to give their time to write something about you and vouch for you in the public domain. This could appear as a pretty big request for some people.

Step 3 – Spread your recommendation requests over a few weeks, as receiving a large number of recommendations in a short time might question the legitimacy of those recommendations.

Step 4 – Draft your request on MS Word or Google Docs as they help in spelling and grammar checks and help to avoid sending half-written requests while writing on the LinkedIn platform itself.

Step 5 – Open with ‘Hi [their name]’ as it sounds informal and friendly. It suggests that you already have a relationship with them.

Step 6 – Tell them you appreciate working with them on a specific project. It shows your respect for them, which is important since you are asking for something. It will be their memory of a situation on which they could base your recommendation.

Step 7 – Politely request a recommendation that outlines your best skills. It is worth asking them to refer you with certain skills in their recommendation. You should only ask them to mention skills you used when you and your connection worked together.

Step 8 – Use a sign-off at the end. If you have a professional relationship, you can say ‘kind regards.’ If you have a close connection, you could say something informal like ‘Hopefully, talk to you soon.

How do you make ask for a LinkedIn recommendation?

Be professional and courteous, making it super easy for your connections to say yes. When you write to them for your recommendation, give them the context about what you are looking for within the recommendation. You can acknowledge that you recognize they are busy and offer to write a draft they can edit. You can also offer to provide a recommendation in return and ask for specific things they would like to include in your recommendations (for them). 

When should you ask for a LinkedIn recommendation?

You can ask for a recommendation anytime. For example, if you have finished a successful project with co-workers and clients, you can ask for a recommendation at that time or later. Provide them with a context that you’re always collecting feedback and would appreciate theirs via a LinkedIn recommendation. Many people also tend to reach out for recommendations when leaving a job. It is best to ask right away while you are still fresh in people’s minds.

How to see pending recommendation request?

Step 1 – Login to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Tap on the ‘Me’ icon and click on ‘View Profile’

Step 3 – Scroll down to the ‘Recommendations’ section

Step 4 – Under the ‘Received’ tab, tap the number to see the pending recommendation(s)

Key Takeaways

Without recommendations, your profile is simply information that you write about yourself. Getting recommendations on LinkedIn shows that your profile is legitimate and reveals valuable information about your personality. It is the perfect place to show off all the great things about you. 

People with many recommendations are well placed to appear high on LinkedIn research results versus those with similar experiences but fewer recommendations. Be open to receiving and giving recommendations, but all recommendations should be those that can be vouched for.

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