How To Get InMail Credits On LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Blackburne

Latest in Tech News, Reviews & Education

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and is the main social network for pitching proposals or sharing career insights. LinkedIn’s InMail feature is a great way to reach potential clients and build new leads. But unless you are a premium member, you will have limited access to InMail messages each month. However, there are ways to get more InMail credits without spending huge money on monthly subscriptions. This article will show you how to get more InMail credits on LinkedIn.

How to get InMail credits on LinkedIn?

The best way is to take advantage of LinkedIn groups where you can send messages to someone without using your credits. Follow the 4 simple steps as mentioned below for the same:

Step 1 – Choose the connection you want to message and go to their LinkedIn profile page.

Step 2 – Check if they have any groups in common. If you have a common group, it will show you in their profile.

Step 3 – Go to the group page and type in the name of the connection in the search bar.

Step 4 – Choose the connection and click on ‘message’.

What is LinkedIn InMail?

As a LinkedIn free user, you can send messages only to your connections, i.e., 1st-degree connections. Whereas with LinkedIn InMail, a paid subscription, you can send messages outside your network, i.e., 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-degree connections. InMail gives you access to millions of users without the need to connect with them first.

What are the benefits of InMail?

You can connect with any LinkedIn member.

You can send a direct message to all LinkedIn users in the network without a prior connection request.

More efficient than normal emails

According to LinkedIn, an InMail is 2.6x more effective than an email or a phone call. InMail allows you to target a lead and improve your visibility.

Ability to check statistics of your InMails

You can monitor the effectiveness of the message sent and optimize the content based on what worked well.

InMail regards credit

You receive an InMail credit back for each message responded within 90 days.

How to win back the InMail credits?

It’s not always possible to get a response to your InMail messages, but there are ways to improve your chances as mentioned below:

Mention your mutual connections

Look for a common friend, colleague, or connection, or maybe you went to the same university or worked in the same company. It can increase your chances by 21 percent.

Keep it short and relevant

While LinkedIn allows you to send 2000 characters, it’s better to keep your messages shorter as users have a short attention span and may lose interest if they see a long message.

Have a catchy headline

To convince your lead to open your InMail message, keep your subject line short yet personalized. You can include their name, send it on the weekend, or even pose a question.

Send a personalized message

Personalized messages show your leads that you spent extra time and effort to know them, and this will make them respond to your message.

How to check your InMail credits?

If you want to know how many InMail credits are available, then follow the below steps:

Step 1 – Log in to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Click on your profile pic at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage

Step 3 – Click on “Access on my Premium” and go to “My Premium Page”

Step 4 – There you can find the status of your InMail credits

What are the different subscription plans to get InMail credits?

The social network has mainly 4 LinkedIn premium subscription plans:

  1. Career
  2. Business Plus
  3. Sales Navigator
  4. Recruiter Lite

You can check your subscription plan on your ‘My Premium’ page. On the right side of the page, you will see:

  • Number of available credits
  • Your InMail renewal date
  • Number of credits you receive every month

Note: – LinkedIn offers a couple of free InMails as a trial so that you can test the feature to see if it fits your requirement. Please remember that it is free for the first seven days only.

How many InMails can I send on LinkedIn per month?

The number of InMails depends on the type of subscription you have. Here are the number of InMail credits based on different subscriptions:

  • Premium Career – 5
  • Premium Business – 15
  • Sales Navigator – 20
  • Saves Navigator Team – 30
  • Sales Navigator Enterprise – 50
  • Recruiter Professional Services – 100
  • Recruiter Corporate – 150

How to send LinkedIn InMails for free?

Here are a few ways to send LinkedIn InMail for free:

  • Send a connection request first and then message them once they accept
  • Look for ‘Open Profiles,’ which allow you to send InMail without using your credits
  • Use software like sales flow, expand, and skylead, which will help you see if they have an open profile, send requests, or find a valid email id.

How to activate Open Profile?

The Open Profile feature allows LinkedIn members to send you a message without sending you a connection request. Here’s how you can enable members to do it:

Step 1 – Login to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Click on your profile pic

Step 3 – Tap on ‘Settings & Privacy’ from the drop-down menu

Step 4 – Click on ‘Communications’ on the left side menu

Step 5 – Tap on ‘who can reach you’

Step 6 – Click on ‘change’ beside the ‘messages’ under it

Step 7 – Enable Open Profile messages

Key Takeaways

Getting LinkedIn InMails means spending a lot of money, but it will pay you back handsomely. If you are not willing to pay a huge amount, we have discussed a few other alternatives that can help you save some of your credits. You can join LinkedIn groups where your prospects hang out and send them messages without using your InMail credits. Having the right personalized message can also help you get a response from people that can help you get your credits back. We have also covered how you can find out the type of subscription you have and the number of InMails you get every month to use them efficiently.

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