How to Find Your LinkedIn Username

Written By Alex Blackburne

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When you create a LinkedIn profile, you’re given the opportunity to choose a username. Your LinkedIn username is important because it’s how people will identify you on the platform. It also shows up in search results. So, it’s important to choose a username that represents your personal brand and is easy to remember.

But how can you find your username, and what are the best practices when it comes to choosing one? Continue reading to find out.

How to find your username on LinkedIn

Your username on LinkedIn is your first impression of the site. It is important to choose a username that is professional and reflective of your personal brand. It must be easy to remember and pronounce so that potential employers and networking contacts can quickly find and connect with you.

Here is how you can find your username.

On Desktop and Mobile

To find your LinkedIn profile on a desktop device follow these steps.

  • Click the ‘Me’ icon at the top navigation bar
  • From there, select ‘View Profile,’ and you will be redirected to your profile page.
  • Once on the profile page, go to the address bar.
  • Within the URL, locate your username. It is the one that comes after
A picture containing text

Description automatically generated

In the above example, the word ‘thearthurjoe’ is the username of the LinkedIn profile.

On iOS and Android app

On mobile, you can find your URL by following the below steps.

  • Tap on your profile photo and click ‘View Profile’
  • Once you are on your profile, scroll down to the ‘Contact’ section
  • Within the ‘Contact’ section, you will find the “Your Profile” area, which will display your public URL. It’ll be an address that starts with
  • Just right after, you will find your username as depicted in the above picture.

Now that you know how to find your LinkedIn username, be sure to start sharing it on all of your professional platforms. It’s a great way to connect with potential employers and colleagues and can help you develop yourself as brand.

The best practices for LinkedIn Username

By default, LinkedIn assigns you a username based on your name and a random string of numbers.

For example, LinkedIn might assign you a username that looks something like this:

While this URL is functional, it’s not very user-friendly or memorable. A customized URL, on the other hand, can make your profile much easier to find and can make you look more professional.

Ideally, your LinkedIn username should be some version of your name or your business name. If your name is already taken, you can try a slight variation, such as adding your middle initial. Here are things to consider if you want to create a perfect username for LinkedIn.

Most people are familiar with LinkedIn as a social networking site for professionals. What many don’t realize is that LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for marketing your business. One way to maximize LinkedIn’s potential is to optimize your profile URL.

Keep it short and simple.

Your LinkedIn username is one of the first things that people will see when they come across your profile. As such, you want to make sure that it’s something that’s easy to remember and spell. A short and simple username is the best way to go. Don’t make your username too long or too complicated. Keep it to a maximum of 15 characters. A short and simple username is the best way to make a good impression on potential connections.

Use keywords.

When creating a username for your LinkedIn profile, be sure to include keywords that reflect your professional brand. By including keywords in your username, you make it easier for others to find and connect with you. You can also use your name and location as keywords in your username. For example, if your name is John Smith and you live in Chicago, you could use the username johnsmithchicago.

Some tips for choosing keywords for your LinkedIn username:

  • Think about the keywords you want to be known for
  • Include your industry or field in your keywords
  • Use keywords that are unique to you
  • Choose keywords that are easy to remember and spell
  • Avoid using common words or abbreviations

By including keywords in your LinkedIn username, you can make it easier for others to find and connect with you, and help you stand out in search results.

Be consistent.

If you want to be taken seriously on LinkedIn, it’s important to be consistent with your username. Don’t change it often, or people will start to see you as unprofessional. Pick a username that represents who you are and what you do, and stick with it.

Don’t use a nickname

When creating your LinkedIn username, avoid using a nickname. While it may be tempting to use a nickname, you’re more comfortable with, it’s best to stick with your full name.  Using a nickname can make it difficult for other LinkedIn members to find you and can also make it harder for people to remember who you are.

These are just a few tips for creating a LinkedIn username. By following these best practices, you can make sure your profile is optimized to help people find and connect with you on LinkedIn.

Related Questions

Should I add my contact number to my LinkedIn username?

Adding your contact number to your LinkedIn username is not advisable as it can come across as unprofessional. Your LinkedIn profile is meant to be a professional networking tool, and as such, your username should be professional and devoid of any personal information.

What is the maximum character limit of a LinkedIn username?

The maximum character limit for a LinkedIn username is 30 characters.

Key Takeaway

Finding your username on LinkedIn is a fairly easy process. By following the simple steps above, you should be able to locate your username and begin using LinkedIn to its full potential.

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