How to Endorse Someone on LinkedIn

Written By Alex Blackburne

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When it comes to professional networking, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools you can use. And one of the best ways to maximize LinkedIn is by endorsing the people you know and vouching for their skills. Not only does this help them out by increasing their visibility and credibility, but also strengthens your relationship with them. So, it’s a win-win all around.

Step by Step Guide to Endorsing Someone on LinkedIn

Endorsing someone on LinkedIn is a great way to show your support for their professional skills and achievements. Not only does it give them a boost of confidence, but it also helps to build their credibility and reputation. When you endorse someone on LinkedIn, your endorsement appears on their profile for all of your connections to see. Here is how to do it.

  1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account. If you don’t have one create a new account with your desired email and password.
  2. Once logged in navigate to the profile of the first-degree connection you wish to endorse. Remember that you can’t endorse connections other than those in your immediate network.
  3. On the profile scroll down to the “Skills” section and find the name of the skill you want to endorse. A lot of people have more than three skills listed, to view all of them click “Show more” to expand the section
  4. To endorse a particular skill, click on the “Endorse” button.
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Once you click on the “Endorse” button on LinkedIn, you are indicating that you support and endorse the person’s skills and qualifications. Also, your name and photo will show up next to the skill on the person’s profile after endorsing them. If they chose to receive emails, they will also get one. The skills with the most endorsements will rise to the top of the section “Skills & endorsements.”

How can you get more endorsements on LinkedIn?

When you endorse someone on LinkedIn, you’re vouching for their skills and abilities. It’s a way of saying, “I trust this person’s work.” And when you have a strong LinkedIn endorsement, it can be a powerful signal to potential employers or clients. Endorsements are one of the quickest and easiest ways to build up your LinkedIn profile. And, unlike other forms of social proof, endorsements come from people who you actually know and have worked with.

Here are a few tips for getting more endorsements on LinkedIn:

Seek out endorsements from people you know will vouch for you

When you’re asking for endorsements, it’s important to seek out people who you know will vouch for your skills. These could be people you’ve worked with in the past, clients you’ve served, or even your LinkedIn connections. If you’re not sure who to ask, take a look at your list of connections and see if there’s anyone you think would be a good fit. Once you’ve pinpointed a few people, reach out and ask if they would be willing to endorse you.

Endorse others

One of the best ways to get more endorsements is to give endorsements to others. When you endorse someone, their network of connections will see it, which may prompt them to check out your profile and return the favor. It’s a good idea to endorse people you know have endorsed you in the past, as well as those who you think have the potential to endorse you in the future. Not only will this help you to get more endorsements, but it will also help you to build relationships with other professionals.

Keep your skills up to date

If you want people to endorse your skills, it’s important that you keep them up to date. If you’ve learned a new skill or taken on a new responsibility at work, make sure to update your LinkedIn profile accordingly. This will not only make it more likely that people will endorse you, but it will also help you attract new opportunities.

Be active on LinkedIn

If you want to receive endorsements on LinkedIn, it’s important to be active on the platform. To do this, regularly sharing updates, articles, and other content that will be of interest to your connections. It also means engaging with others’ content, commenting, liking updates, and participating in groups. The more active you are, the more likely people are to take notice of you – and your endorsements.

Endorsements can be a great way to build up your credibility and attract new opportunities. By following these tips, you can start to get more endorsements on LinkedIn and take your career to the next level.

Related Questions

Can anyone endorse you on LinkedIn?

If you want someone to endorse you on LinkedIn, you’ll need to have a first-degree connection with them. LinkedIn has a strict policy against endorsing people who are not first-degree connections. This is because LinkedIn wants to ensure that endorsements are given only to people who know the individual well and can attest to their skills and expertise.

What does endorsing someone on LinkedIn mean?

When you endorse someone on LinkedIn, you’re vouching for their skills and abilities in a certain area. By endorsing someone, you’re helping to build their credibility and increase their visibility on LinkedIn.

Are LinkedIn endorsements useful?

LinkedIn endorsements are a great way to add credibility to your profile and give potential employers or clients a better sense of your skills. They can also be a useful way to connect with other professionals in your field. However, it’s important to remember that endorsements are not a substitute for actual work experience or references.

Key Takeaway

If you want to endorse someone on LinkedIn, all you need to do is go to their profile, scroll down to the Skills & Endorsements section, and click the ‘Endorse’ button next to the skill you want to endorse them for. When done thoughtfully and authentically, endorsements can be a valuable asset to both the endorser and the endorsees.

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