How to Add a Link to your Linkedin Messages: Step-by-Step Guide

Written By Alex Blackburne

Latest in Tech News, Reviews & Education

LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows users to connect with other professionals in their field. It can be used to find jobs, networking opportunities, and business connections.

LinkedIn also allows users to post their resumes and portfolio online, making it a valuable tool for job seekers. Many employers use LinkedIn to post job openings and search for qualified candidates.

Messaging feature of Linkedin

As the world’s largest professional networking site, Linkedin is a great place to stay in touch with your colleagues and contacts. But did you know that Linkedin also offers a messaging feature?

You can easily send messages to any of your connections with Linkedin messaging. You can even start group conversations to make coordinating projects and networking more effortless.

To start messaging on Linkedin, go to the “Messages” tab on your homepage. Then, click the “New Message” button and start typing in the person’s name or people you want to message.

Once you’re done composing your message, just hit “Send,” Your message will be on its way!

Why do you need to add a link to your LinkedIn messages?

Like most professionals, you probably spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. The social networking site can be a great way to connect with other professionals in your industry, share news and articles, and even find job opportunities.

One of the features that LinkedIn offers is sending messages to other users. These messages can be a great way to start a conversation or build a connection with someone.

Because LinkedIn is a professional networking site, it’s essential to include a link to your professional profile in your messages. This helps the recipient know more about you and allows them to connect with you on LinkedIn if they wish.

Including a link to your LinkedIn profile in your messages shows that you’re serious about networking and makes it easy for the recipient to learn more about you.

How to add a link to your LinkedIn messages?

Adding a link to your LinkedIn messages is easy! Just copy and paste the URL into the message box, and LinkedIn will automatically create a hyperlinked version of the URL for you. You can also add anchor text to your links by including the URL in square brackets, followed by the anchor text in quotation marks.

We’ve written all steps separately to make the process easier and more understandable for you. Follow these steps to add a link to your LinkedIn messages easily;

  • Log into your LinkedIn account and navigate to the Inbox page.
  • Find the conversation to which you want to add a link and click on it.
  • Type your message in the box at the bottom of the conversation window.
  • Highlight the text that you want to turn into a link.
  • Click on the “Link” button in the formatting toolbar above the message box.
  • Paste the website URL to which you want to link into the “URL” field.
  • Click on the “Insert” button.

By following the steps above, you can easily add a link to yo LinkedIn messages. If you want to learn more about how to use LinkedIn, feel free to check out our other articles on the site!

What to consider before adding a link to your LinkedIn message?

When sending a LinkedIn message, adding a link to your website or blog can be tempting. After all, you want to promote your business and get more traffic to your site.

However, before you add a link to your LinkedIn message, you should consider a few things.

  1. First, ensure that the link is relevant to the person you’re sending the message to. If it’s not appropriate, they’re likely to ignore it.
  1. Second, consider whether or not the person you’re sending the message to is interested in what you have to say. If they’re not, they’ll not click on your link.
  1. Third, make sure that your link goes to a useful page. If it’s just a landing page for your website or blog, people aren’t impressed and will not click on it.
  1. Fourth, consider using a tool like Bitly to shorten your link. This way, it won’t take up as much space in the message and will be less likely to be blocked by LinkedIn’s spam filters.
  1. Finally, remember that you don’t always need to include a link in your LinkedIn message. If the person you’re sending the message to is already familiar with your work, they will not require a link.

Considering these things, you’ll be much more likely to get people to click on your link when you include it in a LinkedIn message.


The LinkedIn messaging feature is a great way to connect with your professional contacts. It allows you to send messages and files efficiently and keeps all of your conversations in one place.

Adding a link to your LinkedIn message’s signature is a great way to promote your business or website. It’s also a good idea to include your contact information so people can quickly get in touch with you.

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