How many Messages can you send on LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Written By Alex Blackburne

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LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great resource for B2B marketers. It simplifies the process of finding new leads and researching companies and potential customers. One of the best things about Sales Navigator is its InMail credits which allow you to send messages to people who are not in your network and is a great way to reach out to potential customers and clients.

But how many messages can you send using LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn has a limit of 50 InMail messages per month, which doesn’t seem to be a problem for most users. The average user only sends about 10 InMail messages per month, making the limit, not an issue.

Best Practices to Send LinkedIn Sales Navigator Messages

Sales Navigator InMail messages are a great way to connect with potential customers and clients, but it is important to use them wisely. Since you only receive a limited number of messages, it is crucial to make sure each one is impactful and contains relevant information. 

An effective InMail message is clear, concise, and to the point, and will make the recipient want to learn more about your product or service. Here are some of the best practices to use while sending a message.

Keep your messages short and to the point

When you’re sending an InMail message, it’s important to keep your message short and to the point. Otherwise, you run the risk of ignoring your message. Keep your InMail messages focused on one topic, and make sure your message is clear and concise. No one wants to read a rambling message from someone who you don’t know. Don’t put too much content in your messages and only put as much information as the reader can digest.

Personalize your messages

Generic, mass-produced messages are a turn-off. Take the time to personalize each message you send, and make sure it’s relevant to the recipient. People are more likely to respond to a message that is personalized, rather than a generic one. Personalizing your message, also show that you took the time to learn about the person you are messaging. They also have a greater click-through rate because they are more relevant to the recipient.

Make your Message Interesting

Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for salespeople, but it’s also important to remember that it’s a cold sales pitch. Because of this reason, you need to make your message interesting and engaging, or else you risk losing the interest of your potential customer. One way to do this is to focus on creating a conversation rather than a sales pitch. Ask questions, be interested in your potential customer’s business, and show that you’re invested in helping them succeed. By taking the time to build a relationship, you’ll be more likely to close the deal.

Remember to add a Call to Action (CTA) 

A CTA is a message that encourages people to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link or visiting your website. Your CTA should be short and concise and should target the people who are most likely to take action. For example, if you’re looking for job seekers, your CTA should target people who are looking for jobs. 

A call to action is an important part of any message. It is a way to get the reader to take the next step, whether it is to buy a product or take some other action. Without CTA, the message may fall flat, and the reader may not be sure what to do next.

Proofread your message before sending

It is essential to make sure your message is grammatically correct when using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, as you can send 50 messages per month. Typos and grammatical errors will make you look unprofessional. Take the time to proofread your messages before sending them. You’ll be able to make a strong impression on potential clients and customers.

Related Questions

How many messages can you send a day on Sales Navigator?

There is no limit to the number of messages you can send in a day on Sales Navigator. However, we recommend sending no more than 5 messages per day to avoid spamming.

Can you send unlimited messages on LinkedIn?

Sales Navigator is a great tool for sales professionals, but it has its limitations. One of those limitations is the number of messages you can send. You are limited to 50 messages per month, which can be a hindrance if you’re trying to reach many potential customers.

Can you accumulate LinkedIn account messages?

Yes, you can accumulate LinkedIn message credits. You can have up to 150 message credits at any given time. These message credits allow you to send messages to LinkedIn members who are not in your network. To check your credit balance, click on the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then click on “Settings” and “Credits.” Your credit balance is displayed on the right side of the page.

Key Takeaway

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for sales professionals. It enables you to connect with potential customers and build relationships with them. You can also send messages to people on LinkedIn you aren’t connected with, which can be very effective in generating leads. However, with the InMail message credits capped at 50 per month, you need to be creative when it comes to pitching your product or service.

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