How Many Inmail Messages Can I Send On LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Blackburne

Latest in Tech News, Reviews & Education

Your subscription type determines how many InMail messages you can send. Your available InMail credits can be found in the top section of your Manage your account page.

Within 90 days of sending, any InMail message that is responded to will be credited back to your InMail account. When the recipient responds, you will receive the credit back, unless it is a reply back or a “not interested” response, both of which result in you using the credit.

Credits can be accumulated monthly but will expire after 90 days. Credits cannot be given back for withdrawn InMail messages.

Here is the complete detail of how many Inmail messages you can send on LinkedIn.

How Many InMails Can I Send?

The amount of InMail credits you can send is contingent on the kind of LinkedIn Account.

  • An unpaid LinkedIn account cannot send any InMail messages.
  • You can send 5 InMails per month with LinkedIn Premium.
  • The LinkedIn Sales Navigator Professionals can send 20 InMails monthly (the Team version offers 30).

The InMail credits are credited for up to three months. So, you can earn up to 15 credits for Premium accounts and up to sixty credits with an Account with Sales Navigator.

LinkedIn users can also benefit from an InMail credit for every InMail message answered within three months (or within 90 days).

Monthly InMail Credits You Get

It is the total number of InMail messages you get every month:

  • Premium Career: 5
  • Premium Business: 15
  • Sales Navigator Core: 50
  • Recruiter Lite: 30

The InMail message compose window will show the total amount of InMail message credits you have left, ensuring that you can quickly check the remaining amount.

Maximum InMail Credit Per Account Type

The highest number of InMail message credits you can accumulate are:

  • Premium Career: 15
  • Premium Business: 45
  • Sales Navigator: 150
  • Recruiter Lite: 90
  • Executive: 25 to 30
  • Sales Navigator Basic: 5 to 8
  • Sales Navigator Pro: 10 to 15
  • Sales Navigator Team: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Professional Services: 50 to 100
  • Recruiter Corporate: 50 to 150

You can accumulate InMail messages throughout the month, but they’ll expire after 120 calendar days.

Credits For Inmail Messages With Or Without Replies

You cannot send a second InMail email to the subscriber until they have responded to the InMail message you sent. A reminder is sent by email at least three days after sending the InMail message.

All InMail messages are either accepted or rejected or directly responded to in the 90 days following being sent are creditable. When an InMail message is pending, it does not count as accepted or declined. In line with the LinkedIn message experience, users can make quick responses to InMail messages count as an answer.

You’ll be able to receive a new allocation of InMail messages each month on the first calendar Day. The InMail credits auto-renewal date is determined by the date you signed up for your first enrollment. You will find this date on Your My Premium page.

How Much Do InMail Credits Cost?

To earn InMail credits, you’ll require a LinkedIn Premium subscription ($29.99/month) or an Account with Sales Navigator ($79.99/month (or $779.88/year). We suggest the Sales Navigator Account. It benefits from the advanced search features and additional credits for InMail.

Sales Navigator accounts receive 20 InMail credits. Even if you take only half of its Value as Sales Navigator using the Advanced Search and save leads, that’s a total of $2 for each beginning InMail message.

If you exceed the monthly allowances, expect to pay a fee to ensure that the Service is free of clutter and that response rates are high. LinkedIn places a premium for additional InMail credits.

You can also purchase additional InMail credits once you’ve reached the monthly limit. However, they cost $10 per.

Imagine you’re trying to reach the 100 leads on LinkedIn. The ideal scenario with InMail can be:

  • Accumulate 60 InMail credits over three months (paying to cover Sales Nav).
  • Pay $10 for each subsequent InMail credit you’ll require.
  • It is at least 600 dollars to get only 100 leads.

Is InMail Effective?

InMail promises to be more efficient than cold emails and cold calls. It is likely the case with a personalized message for LinkedIn users with 2nd and 3rd-degree connections.

Short story: Yes, it’s efficient

LinkedIn InMail can be incredibly efficient in only reaching a few high-touch leads. However, it can soon lose impact the wider you cast your net.

What do you think? Is InMail worth the cost? It’s entirely dependent on what you’re trying to find.

When you sign up to purchase a sales Navigator Account, you get free InMail credits. Using them is worth it. However, if you’re trying to connect with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of LinkedIn leads, InMail won’t be enough.


InMail is usually regarded to be one of the most effective methods of using LinkedIn for sales-related activities. It allows you to connect with potential customers directly, typically with high rates of open or C.T.R.  

But LinkedIn InMails are limited. Only premium accounts can send messages via InMail. In this article, we have discussed how many InMails you can send. We hope that you will find it helpful.

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