Best LinkedIn InMail Subject Lines

Written By Alex Blackburne

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Keeping in touch with individuals in your field is easy with the help of LinkedIn. It may be a convenient resource for connecting and discovering out-of-the-ordinary business ventures. The best part is that LinkedIn offers several tools for connecting individuals. One of Linkedin’s most popular messaging options is InMail. 

Indeed, your email campaign’s subject line is the first step toward achieving success. An email’s subject line can determine whether a potential customer opens it or deletes it. Consider the emails you receive and which ones you click on as opposed to which ones you delete; chances are; your consumer has the same mannerisms.

Compared to regular email, people are far more likely to reply to a LinkedIn InMail. It is why so many individuals are currently turning over to InMails.

This article will examine the best LinkedIn InMail subject lines to help you leave a lasting impression on your recipient.

What Are the Best LinkedIn InMail Subject Lines?

The most effective InMail subject lines are original, captivating, and educational without being overly specific. Now, onto the essential part of it all, some examples of the best LinkedIn InMail subject lines you can use.

1) Ding! You Wouldn’t Want to Miss this Notification

We will start with a rather catchy InMail subject line that combines humor and urgency. It will make sure to stand out and grab the recipient’s attention. People are curious and want to know what the InMail message entails when they see that ‘ding’ in the subject line. Moreover, with less time to do everything, the subject line shows that the corresponding InMail message is crucial. 

2) Are You Free [a day of the week] at 2:15?

This subject line adds the element of personalization. Asking for a specific meeting time helps build a conversation between you and the recipient. This subject line allows time for negotiation that can be approved and accepted by all parties. It will make sure to get you a response so your topic gets discussed as soon as possible. Your recipient will get captured by the distinctiveness of the planning and the customized subject line.

3) A [benefit] for [recipient’s company]

Creating an InMail subject line that offers value and is specific simultaneously is probably one of the best approaches. Your recipient would be dying to know what the message entails. Is it an offer the potential customer has been looking for on social media? Does your business offer allow your potential customer’s budget to get used for other things? Can you make it easier for the potential customer to accomplish their objectives more quickly? All of these alternatives provide benefits to the potential client and are intriguing aspects to mention in your subject line. 

4) 15x [client’s company]’s Engagement in 15 Minutes

Your subject line’s objective should be to get the reader to click, read further, and then decide whether or not they are intrigued enough to reply or take action. And these numbers are the best way to do so!

Finding a subject matter; you believe your client would be interested in is a great way to make the subject line engaging, which may imply a number of different ways. A tested and proven method for getting your emails viewed and read is to include time sensitivity and urgency where applicable. However, don’t rely on this strategy exclusively. With persistent calls for quick action, you can offend your client.

5) Want To Get More Clicks On Your Facebook Ads?

Prospects may also sort and arrange their email inboxes using keywords. The recipient will save your email and review it later if you include specific keywords. Many people should see it as being specifically created for them in consideration by screening for particular material uploaded on the topic. It will provide you with a database of profiles who are regularly talking about subjects relevant to your service or specialty.

Are InMail Subject Lines Even Important?

When properly implemented, LinkedIn InMail subject lines have proven to be of massive assistance. The key is to stand out and leave a positive first impression. To get readers to peruse through the body paragraph containing your pitch, go with a catchy subject line!

You may connect with active and passive job applicants on LinkedIn by using InMail subject lines. All of this can be possible by mentioning a current business issue or a unique touch by personalizing it. 

What Can You Avoid When Writing a LinkedIn InMail Subject Line?

When creating a subject line for a LinkedIn InMail, stay well away from the following. These discouraging factors include yes/no questions, being overly specific or vague, requesting time, talking like a newspaper, or giving off an unreliable impression.

You may rank in the top 10% of sales reps’ InMails using compelling email subject lines. So, avoid giving potential customers the impression that you are misleading them, tricking them, or calling them under a false name. 

Related Questions

1. What Are the Best LinkedIn InMail Messages for Recruiters?

It should be highly scalable and could work for any content marketer, especially if you are looking for a new audience to reach.

2. What LinkedIn InMail Subject Line for Job Seekers is the Best?

Go with the one where you are openly confident and show how eager you are to get hired and work. Anything catchy will work the best! Something like the following: 

1. Your Next Hire

2. I’ve done my research – You need me!

3. Your Name – The Best New Addition to Your Team

3. What is the Best LinkedIn InMail Subject Line for Sales?

When writing a subject line for sales, it is better to keep it brief, maybe personalize it just to make it engrossing. To make it more of your preference, offer a value and create urgency but keep in mind to avoid clickbait.

4. What Are the Best InMail Messages?

Your InMails need to be detailed and tailored to the recipient. Make the message as specific as you can. Addressing the recipient by name is the simplest way to add personalization to an email. 

The subject line of a LinkedIn InMail can contain up to 80 characters, but it is better to go with 25 to 40 characters. If you want to grab your recipient’s interest, use that length to its fullest. The subject line will be the most important factor in getting your InMails read!

Key Takeaways

You have a little window of opportunity to capture someone’s attention while using InMails, yet you can reach out to practically anyone. Making the most of this opportunity and getting to the point is therefore preferable.

So, whip out the best LinkedIn InMail subject lines and knock the ball out of the park!

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