Benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Written By Alex Blackburne

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LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a tool that many professionals are using to help them sell more effectively. It provides a variety of features that can help you find and connect with prospects, build relationships, and close deals. But how effective is it, and should you be using it?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator can help you find and connect with potential customers on the world’s largest professional network. With Sales Navigator, you can search for prospects by criteria like industry, job title, or location, and then use advanced search filters to further narrow your results. Once you’ve found your target prospects, you can use LinkedIn’s InMail feature to contact them directly or connect with them through your existing network.

There are various benefits of subscribing to Sales Navigator 

Save leads and accounts to custom lists 

Marketers can use Sales Navigator to create custom lists of leads and accounts, which they can then use to target sales and marketing efforts. Creating a custom list is simple. Just go to the Sales Navigator page, click on the “Leads” or “Accounts” tab, and then click on the “Create List” button. From there, you can give your list a name and description, and then add leads or accounts to the list. Once you’ve created a custom list, you can use it to connect with potential clients through InMail or direct message if the prospect is already connected.

Sending messages outside of your network with InMail

Sales Navigator also provides access to InMail which can be very useful when trying to reach potential customers. InMail allows you to send messages directly to people who are not your LinkedIn connections. Using InMail is a great way to start a conversation with a potential customer or to follow up with someone who has shown interest in your product or service.

However, with InMail, you only have a limited number of credits, so you need to be creative in order to make the most of them. This means coming up with catchy subject lines that will grab the recipient’s attention. It’s also important to ensure that your InMail message is concise and to the point, as this will help to increase the chances of it being read and responded to.

Track Metrics Using SmartLinks

SmarkLiks is an essential tool for sales professionals using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It allows you to track various metrics, including conversions, the number of times a link was accessed, and more. The data is essential for understanding your sales pipeline and identifying opportunities. SmartLinks can help marketers measure the following

  • Confirmation of the recipient’s clicks on the link, and their frequency of clicks
  • How long has the recipient watched the content
  • When the recipient accessed the content, including the date and time
  • When the receiver saw the item while logged in, details from their profile, including their name, title, employer, and profile photo.

Get Alerts On What Your Network is Doing

LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides alerts when someone in your network changes their job, gets promoted, or moves to a new company. The alerts can be customized to include specific criteria, such as when a prospect views your profile, sends you a message, or updates their profile. By staying up-to-date with your prospects’ activities, you can quickly build relationships and connect with them when they’re ready to buy.

Collaborate with TeamLinks

Sales Navigator TeamLink is a feature that allows team members to collaborate on leads and sales opportunities. With TeamLink, you can share leads, send messages, and track the progress of each deal. Using the network of your entire team, TeamLink gives you an easy approach to making kind introductions to your prospects. As a result, you’ll find it simpler to start a conversation with a prospect thanks to the influence of mutual relationships and introductions.

Advanced CRM Integrations

Sales Navigator is a powerful sales tool that allows you to integrate your workflow with various sales tools and also with other advanced CRM integration. With Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365, for example, you can use Sales Navigator to keep track of your leads and opportunities and to get an overview of your customers’ social media activity. With these integrations, marketers will be able to view all of their LinkedIn data from within Salesforce and Dynamics 365 making it easier to connect with potential leads and clients. They will also be able to see the profiles of their current customers and prospects on LinkedIn, which can help them better understand their businesses and how they can best serve them.

Key Takeaways

  • Sales Navigator allows you to see who has been viewing your profile, so you can reach out to potential leads. 
  • Thanks to its extended search capabilities, you can connect with a larger number of people. 
  • It provides insights into your contact’s company, so you can better understand their business and how you might be able to help them. 
  • You can keep track of all your sales opportunities in one place, making it easier to close deals. 
  • It includes powerful lead generation tools, such as saved searches, updates, and alerts.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you build relationships with potential customers, identify leads, and close deals. If you’re looking to increase your sales through the platform, then it is highly recommended to try LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

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