5 LinkedIn Cold Message Examples That Get Replies

Written By Alex Blackburne

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You have probably heard about how powerful LinkedIn is for generating leads and growing your business. But without the right LinkedIn outreach strategy, your message won’t reach anywhere. You must ensure that you are targeting the right people with your cold messages and, most importantly, you have the right offer. Do you want to improve your LinkedIn cold message outreach game? In this article, we will share five LinkedIn cold message examples that get replies. You can tweak it for your business to quickly reach out to your potential prospects and start a conversation with them.

What is LinkedIn cold messaging?

Cold messaging is a common term used in the sales and marketing world. It is used for someone not on your friend list and unfamiliar with you. Any type of unverified message can be categorized as a cold message. It requires a lot of attention since the prospect knows nothing about your product, so the chances of getting declined are high.

Things to remember before sending out a cold message:

Before sending out a cold message, it is important to consider how you appear to others on the LinkedIn platform. When someone receives a message from someone unfamiliar, the first thing they do is check out the sender’s LinkedIn profile. In this case, if your profile is not optimized, there are fewer chances of getting a reply. Therefore, make sure to optimize your LinkedIn profile as mentioned below:

Profile photo

Have a high-quality image with good lighting. It is advisable to wear business attire (not compulsory) to appear professional.

Optimize LinkedIn cover image

A cover or background image is equally essential as your LinkedIn profile photo. You can design your own image using free tools like Canva or Crello and highlight your skills and expertise to stand out from others.

Add a LinkedIn tagline

The main thing that drives people to click on your profile is your tagline. If you want a higher conversion rate and more people to accept your requests, you need to describe your products or services. Add your current position and other titles that describe your skills. This will help you appear in the search results.


Your LinkedIn summary is the most important part of your profile which helps you showcase your uniqueness and stand out from the rest of the crowd. If your tagline describes what you do, your summary should describe why you do it and why people should trust you. A strong summary with the right keywords will get you noticed.


Having recommendations in your profile makes you more credible; therefore, get some past team members to give you recommendations. Don’t be afraid to ask former or current colleagues to share their work experiences with you.

LinkedIn Cold Message Templates:

Simple message

Hi [Prospect’s first name],

I hope you are doing great!

I found your profile through [mutual friend, post/comment, group, etc.]. I am interested in learning more about your industry; given your background, I trust you are the right person to learn from.

Let me know if this is something you are interested in.

Have a great day!

[your name]

Direct Sales Pitch Template

Hi [Prospect’s first name],

I am reaching out to you regarding our [insert the name of your product or service here]. Given your background and profession, I understand our [products or services] would be beneficial for your organization.

[Add a few benefits or USPs of your products/services here].

You can visit our website to find out more: [Insert your company website URL here]

If this is something that interests you, let me know so we can set up a quick call. I look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day!

[Your name]

Indirect Sales Pitch Template

Hi [Prospect’s first name],

I heard your business is planning to expand [or insert customized details about their business that acts as a sales opportunity] to Australia. Very excited for you and your team!

I would love to know more about what helped you to make this decision and what next steps you are taking?

[insert intro about your company and how you can help them]

I look forward to hearing back from you. Wishing you all the best with your new venture.

Have a great day!

[your name]

Hyper personalized sales pitch template

Hi [Prospect’s first name],

I have been following your company’s journey for a while now. I must say [add your personal observation and notable achievements here].

The vision and mission of your organization are commendable. I am [your name], and I work as a [your role] at [company name].

[explain the problem that you aim to resolve for them with a customized solution]

You can find more about my organization at [insert your company URL here].

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a great day ahead!

[your name]

Follow-up message template

Hey [Prospect’s first name],

I know you probably have a busy schedule.

I would love to have a conversation with you regarding [mention the content of your previous message briefly here]

Let me know if there is any convenient time to message you. I am hoping to hear back from you.

Have a great day!

[your name]

Does cold outreach on LinkedIn work?

Yes, this is a strategy that hundreds of businesses have used to connect with targeted prospects. However, you might not get responses from everyone that you outreach to, but plenty of people will respond, especially if you add value to them.

Key Takeaways

Like any lead generation process, cold messaging takes time and effort. Personalization helps get a better response; therefore, the above templates can be modified to your requirements. Make a list of people to that you want to send a cold message to keep yourself on track. Doing background research about each prospect can help you customize your message and increase your chances of getting a response. 

It is also essential to work on your profile to make it professional and trustworthy. I hope these templates will help you reach out to your target audience effectively. Good luck with your cold outreach!

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